Sacramental Programs

St Bernadette’s Parish offers preparation programs that are parish-based catered for children studying in non-Catholic schools.  It is our aim to support the parents in carrying out their “vocation” as the first and ultimate educator of faith for their children.  Hence, our programs has two components: the children will be taught by qualified/trained volunteer Catechists from the Parish community on both the theology and the practical aspects of the Sacraments appropriate to their level of understanding. At the same time, parents will be offered guided sessions for their own faith renewal and a deeper understanding of the sacraments to be received by their children.

This year we offer first Reconciliation followed by first Holy Communion program to Catholic students Year 3 and above.  Dates for the programs are as follow:

Families are requested to attend the Sunday 9am Mass before the preparation sessions. Check above table to determine   session times for Reconciliation or First holy communion. Formation  session will be  in the parish hall.   It is compulsory for the child and at least one parent to attend.  However both parents are welcomed to attend formation sessions.

The whole parish community will join the families in supporting and praying for the children who are setting themselves up towards a special milestone in their faith journey.

For inquiries, please email, Flora Chambers our Sacramental Co-ordinator at

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