• on December 9, 2021

Sacramental Program Calendar 2022

Sacramental Program for Children 2022

St Bernadette’s Parish offers preparation programs for children receiving their Sacraments of Reconciliation, Holy Communion and Confirmation.  Our sacramental programs are parish-based catered for children studying in non-Catholic schools.  The program has two components: firstly, the children will be taught by qualified/trained volunteer Catechists from the Parish community on both the theology and the practical aspects of the Sacraments appropriate to their level of understanding.  Secondly, parents will be offered guided sessions for their own faith renewal, and be provided with resources for the sacramental preparation of their child at home.  It is our aim to support the parents in carrying out their “vocation” as the first and ultimate educator of faith for their children.

Each year we offer First Reconciliation program, followed by Holy Communion program to Year 3 students and above, who have been baptised.  Confirmation is offered for Year 6 students and above, who have been baptised and have received the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion.

The structure of each program consists of a Parent Information Session and four consecutive Saturdays with separate sessions for parents and children conducted simultaneously.  For the Sacrament of Confirmation there will be an extra retreat day for the children.  At the completion of the preparation program there will be the Celebration of the Sacraments within Mass joined by the Parish community.  The Sacrament of First Reconciliation may be celebrated with a short but solemn liturgy.

During the program, families are encouraged to attend the 5:30 Vigil Mass after the preparation sessions which starts at 4pm on Saturdays.  The whole parish community will join the families in supporting and praying for the children who are setting themselves up towards a special milestone in their faith journey.

For inquiries or to acquire an application form, please email our Sacramental Co-ordinator at sbc.sacraments@gmail.com

Our latest program calendar can be downloaded below

Sacramental Program April 2022 updated

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