• on August 22, 2019

NSW abortion Bill & Pro Life Rallies

The NSW Reproductive health Bill

(Abortion) 2019


To understand he proposed legislation reforms to abortion  in NSW read the  details  of the proposed bill at Reproductive health Bill NSW

Overview of the bill as per legislation is:

The objects of this Bill are as follows—
(a) to enable a termination of a pregnancy to be performed by a medical practitioner on a person
who is not more than 22 weeks pregnant,
(b) to enable a termination of a pregnancy to be performed by a medical practitioner on a person
who is more than 22 weeks pregnant in certain circumstances,
(c) to identify certain registered health practitioners who may assist in the performance of a
(d) to require a registered health practitioner who has a conscientious objection to the
performance of a termination on a person to disclose the objection and refer the person to
another practitioner who does not have a conscientious objection,
(e) to repeal offences relating to abortion in the Crimes Act 1900 and abolish any common law
rules relating to abortion,
(f) to amend the Crimes Act 1900 to make it an offence for a person who is not a medical
practitioner otherwise authorised under the Act to terminate a pregnancy


Petitions against the bill

Fred Nile Petition Form

Australian Family Coalition online petition


Huge numbers attend pro-life rally in Sydney

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