The Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion
The Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion assist priest distribute communion to the faithful at mass.
Social Committee
St Bernadette's Social Committee creates opportunities where we can get to know one another and share our life stores in a relaxing environment.
One cannot find anything more religious and more joyful in sacred celebrations than a whole congregation expressing its faith and devotion in song” ( The Second Vatican Council’s Instruction
on Music in the Liturgy, Musicam Sacram MS 16)
Church Presentation
Many hands make light work assist us in keeping the Church at Carlton clean for community worship.
The Readers ministry is a special ministry that focuses our hearts on Jesus teachings through reading scared scripture from the Bible at Mass.
Acolyte, Altar servers
Assist in our parish celebration of the Eucharist in Sunday Worship as Acolyte or alter server.
Our Ministries