• on August 22, 2020

Defend Religious Freedom in NSW

New inquiry: Anti-Discrimination Amendment (Religious Freedoms and Equality) Bill 2020

A new parliamentary committee has been appointed to conduct an inquiry into the AntiDiscrimination Amendment (Religious Freedoms and Equality) Bill 2020 (the Bill). The Bill, introduced by the Hon. Mark Latham MLC, was referred to the new Joint Select Committee by the Parliament on 18 June 2020

You can read the proposed  Bill from NSW Parliament:  here

A good background article posted in the Catholic weekly on may 24th  is worth reading as well titled:

Remedy for a double standard in NSW law By Monica Doumit

Bill would make NSW anti-discrimination law consistent

Deafening silence the only response to Ruddock recommendations

[1] “Workers must be able to be hired and promoted without regard to matters of faith. They must be able to freely express their religious views away from the workplace. Professional people should not be forced to abandon their faith, the very basis of their existence, in the conduct of their duties. Religious organisations must be able to publicly hire venues, run events and organise charities, schools and clubs without prejudice. Our society should be free of discrimination against people on the basis of their faith or non faith”

[1]Catholic weekly article May 24 ( Monica Doumit)

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