An opportunity to celebrate the season of pease and goodwill and share in an international food extravaganza with paarisohioners, family and friends.
Saturday December 14th commencing 6:30pm
- Meat & salads and BBQ provided by Parish
- Bring a plate representative of your culture and or beer or wine to share
- Special kids zone with games and entertainment
- Music provided by Parish Choirs
- Christmas raffle with festive prizes to be won Tickets $2 each or 3 for $5
- Santa Clause to make a special appearance
Registration required! Confirm your attendance on the registration forms at the back of the Church!
We need your Help!
- Volunteers required to assist wit proepartion for celebration and on the night
- Working bee for proepartion of gardens and ground on Saturday November 30th at 9am
- Set up for celebration Saturday December 14th at 10am