• on March 15, 2021

St Bernadette’s Sacramental Programs 2021

Ongoing Registration for Confirmation

This year’s participants from our parish will be joining the Confirmation preparation program run by St Patrick’s Church, Kogarah, which begins on 11th April. The cere-mony will take place on Pentecost Sunday, 23rd May 2021 at 1pm in St Patrick’s Church. Parents/guardians who are interested to enroll their child in this program are required to fill out the Enrolment Form which is available at the back of our church. The deadline for returning the form is Sunday, 28 March 2021. Return it in person to Fr Gabriel after Mass or email to Stella Hung, Parish Sacramental Coordinator, at sbc.sacraments@gmail.com. An enrolment form is available via email upon request. Details of the pro-gram will be provided when registration is received.

First Reconciliation

The First Sacrament of Reconciliation Preparation Pro-gram is scheduled to run between June and July this year in our Parish.

First Holy Communion

The First Holy Communion Preparation Program runs from the end of October to early December. This program is for the child/children who already received the Sacra-ment of Reconciliation.

Parents or guardians who want their child to participate in the preparation for First Reconciliation and/or First Holy Communion program may email Stella Hung at sbc.sacraments@gmail.com with the child’s name, grade, and contact numbers. Details of the program and enrolment form will be provided to parents/guardians in due course.

Ideally, the family home is the domestic church and parents or guardians are the first teachers of faith. We expect both the parent/s or guardian/s and the child to participate fully in the above programs.

Le us take the journey together in assisting & bringing the child/children to a deeper understanding of the Catholic faith.


For any enquires please contact the parish office or email secretary@stbernadettscarlton.org.au or See Father Gabby.

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