• on December 23, 2020

Back to Strict COVID 19 Restrictions

A letter from the vicar General

As you would have seen, and very sadly, we are back to the 4m2 rule for indoor Masses (up to a maximum of 300 people); please apply this strictly in the days ahead; please consider Masses outdoors or in larger halls and provide extra Masses where possible.

If you have the chance, please tell your people…. I realise that some parishes have already taken bookings for Christmas on the 2m2 rule. Just do your best to advise your people. It may be simplest to ask everyone to book again, with ‘first come, first served” or you may be able to allocate people from the bookings already made you by a lottery or some other system.

Given the new limitations, the Archbishop has granted all priests permission to celebrate four Christmas Day Masses, and has granted all the faithful a dispensation from the obligation to attend Mass on Sunday and on Christmas Day; this dispensation will continue until the 2m2 rule returns.

The NSW government will make further announcements on Wednesday – depending on how the current outbreak develops. I will advise you on Wednesday or Thursday about the very latest restrictions in relation to Christmas Masses. We are awaiting advice on what is permitted with respect to outdoor Masses.

For the time being, we should assume the following new restrictions will apply throughout the Christmas period:

– congregational singing (even of Christmas carols) is suspended once again; churches are permitted up to 5 singers only, well distanced;

– please encourage mask wearing (though this is not compulsory);

– please observe the other measures previously applied regarding simplifying the liturgy, avoiding people mingling and servers crowding together;

– please reinforce the need for keeping details of attendees so that contact tracing is possible;

– livestream your mass if possible;

– given many people will be missing Mass, please think creatively about how you might connect with your people by phone or email or letterbox drops, playing carols from loudspeakers, keeping churches open for prayer (but numbers controlled and contact recording essential), putting up big signs saying “We miss you and are praying for you at Christmas” etc..

The Archdiocese is doing its best to negotiate a Christmas Mass on TV.

The Archbishop is very aware that the disruption to Christmas Masses and family celebrations will be very hard for many people. Please know that he is praying for you and your people, and is very grateful for your generous service to your people and your leadership and pastoral care through this crisis.

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