• on February 12, 2019

3o Minute challenge!

Have you got what it takes?

Can you handle the Ultimate Truth?

Spend 30 minutes practising Heaven with Jesus.

Its completely free! So why not come along!

Join our  thirty minute adoration after Weekday masses on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday Mornings after 8:30 am masses. Confession available.

We have 60 minutes Adoration on Tuesday nights with Rosary before mass as well!

Join our  thirty minute challenge start  a positive habit today!

Are you running on empty?

Prayer is the path to reality!

**”If we are not captivated by the living God and pursuing him, we will centre our desires on idols, big or small:vanities, pleasure seeking, prestige, power and others we have already noted.

While the idols never satisfy , they often do serve as narcotics that more or less deaden the inner pain of NOT having him for whom we were made who alone can bring us to the eternal ecstasy of the beatific vision.

Yes if you and I are not seriously pursuing the real GOD, inevitably we will focus on things that can never satisfy us.We are chasing after dead ends”

**Thomas Dubay SM  – Prayer Primer p17

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