• on February 13, 2021

Ash Wednesday 22nd February

ASH Wednesday Mass Times

22 February 2021

8:30am & 7:00pm

Imposition of Ashes on Ash Wednesday, in Time of Pandemic

The Congregation for Divine Worship has issued a Note concerning the Imposition of Ashes in this time of pandemic.
From a practical point of view, it proposes a Covid-safe distribution of the blessed ashes:
1. The priest says only once “Turn away from sin and be faithful to the Gospel” or “Remember that you are dust and to dust you shall return”, rather than repeating the formula to each each person;
2. The priest puts on a facemask and sanitises his hands before distributing the ashes;
3. The priest sprinkles the ashes on the heads of the faithful who come forward;
Pastorally, given that the usual practice in Australia is for the ashes to be daubed on the foreheads of the faithful in the form of a cross rather than sprinkled on the head, it may be helpful to explain to the people that:
a) The act of putting on ashes symbolizes fragility and mortality, and the need to be redeemed by the mercy of God. Far from being a merely external act, it symbolizes that attitude of internal penance to which all the baptized are called during Lent.
b) The placing of ashes on top of the head is the more ancient practice;
c) It is the common method in many parts of the world;
d) In time of Covid-19 it has the advantage of not requiring the priest to contact the skin of many people one after another, risking inadvertent infection;
e) The fact that the ashes are not readily visible to others is of no concern, since they are principally intended as a sign for the person receiving them and not for others.

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